District Attorney
San Joaquin County
Office of the District Attorney
Home / Our Office / Crime Divisions / Environmental, Retail Theft, & Fraud

Environmental, Retail Theft & Fraud Division

The Environmental, Retail Theft, and Fraud Division of the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office was established to consolidate in one division the different units involved in the prosecution of crimes that affect San Joaquin County as a community. Each of these units deals with a class of crime that affects the right of each member of the community to live with dignity and integrity, whether directly, as a victim, or indirectly, as a result of the occurrence of the crime. These units work with county and state agencies to ensure businesses and individuals comply with the rules and regulations of City Ordinances, San Joaquin County Codes, and California State Statutes. Its focus is the effective prosecution of those who violate laws that protect and promote the quality of life of the residents of San Joaquin County. It is also dedicated to making sure that the victims of these crimes are remembered by the criminal justice system.

The purpose of each unit is to serve as a constant reminder of the importance of bringing violators to justice and for the preservation of our community's way of life. Great emphasis is placed on educating the public on how to protect themselves from being a victim through its community outreach and educational programs.

Division Chief
Jeffrey Derman Chief Deputy District Attorney

Case Information

For specific case information call
(209) 468-2400

Visit Superior Court of San Joaquin


Auto Insurance Fraud Unit

Auto insurance fraud causes economic loss and distress to our community. It causes premiums paid by members of the public to be unduly taxed to offset the fraud that occurs. It may even endanger the lives of unsuspecting victims in staged auto collisions performed to file fraudulent insurance claims. 

Independent research in Auto Insurance Fraud estimates that one-third (1/3) of all bodily injury claims for auto accidents contain some fraud including, but not limited to, the exaggeration of injuries or vehicle damage. Participants in auto insurance fraud may include auto body shops, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, and other medical care providers who bill for services they did not perform. Perpetrators of auto insurance fraud can range from individuals to sophisticated insurance fraud rings.

To protect the public from this economic loss and distress, the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Auto Fraud Unit will investigate, arrest, and prosecute those who commit auto insurance fraud, as well as seek to prevent the occurrence of insurance fraud through anti-fraud outreach and training to the public.

Click for more information


Insurance Fraud is a Crime