District Attorney

Office of the District Attorney
Protecting our community for 175 Years
Home / Our Office / Crime Divisions / Specialized Prosecution

Specialized Prosecution Division

The District Attorney’s Office Specialized Prosecution Division oversees the crimes related to vulnerable communities such as victimized and/or abducted children, sexual assault survivors, domestic violence, victims of teen dating violence, elder and dependent abuse victims, and victims of human trafficking, and stalking. The prosecutors in this unit also handle cases involving gang violence and youth offenders in the Juvenile Justice System.

Another role of the Specialized Prosecution Division is to work closely with other organizations, such as shelters for victims of domestic violence, child advocacy centers, and victim advocacy groups, to ensure that victims receive the services and support they need. Additionally, they collaborate with other parts of the justice system, such as the court system, probation and parole departments, and law enforcement agencies, to help ensure that offenders are held accountable for their crimes and that public safety is maintained.


Division Chief
Mark Dennings Chief Deputy District Attorney

Case Information

For case information call
(209) 468-2400

Visit Superior Court of San Joaquin

Child Abuse, Sexual Assault Unit (C.A.S.A.)

The District Attorney Child Abuse and Sexual Assault (C.A.S.A.) unit is a specialized team of professionals who work to support children and adults in the court system who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned, and victims of sexual assault.

The primary role of the C.A.S.A. unit is to work with law enforcement agencies to investigate allegations of child abuse and sexual assault and to prosecute those responsible for these crimes. This involves conducting interviews with victims and witnesses, collecting evidence, and providing recommendations to the court in the prosecution of the perpetrators.

In addition to advocacy, the C.A.S.A. unit provides a range of support services to child or adult victims and their families, such as counseling, education, and access to community resources. The goal is to help ensure that the victim receives the care and support they need to thrive, both during and after their time in the court system.

The C.A.S.A. unit plays a critical role in protecting the most vulnerable members of our society from harm, and in holding those who commit these heinous crimes accountable for their actions.

Click for more information


Stop Child Abuse and Sexual Assault