Office of the District Attorney

Dear Witness,
A subpoena is a court order requiring you to appear in court or to make arrangements for your appearance as instructed. Upon receipt of the subpoena, you must check in with the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office. For your convenience, you may check in online by clicking on the link to the right and following the online instructions. You may also check in by calling the phone number on your subpoena between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. When checking in, be prepared to refer to the information on your subpoena and to provide your full name, date of birth, and driver's license number or California ID card number.
For more information on what a subpoena entails, go to Subpoena Help.
California Penal Code Section 1328d authorizes the delivery of a subpoena by mail. Timely check-in and compliance with the subpoena will avoid the necessity of having someone personally deliver the subpoena to you at home or work. Disobedience to a subpoena may be punished by the Court as contempt.
Thank you for your cooperation!