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Some things to know this Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period
SOURCE: Federal Trade Commission
Enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan you’re not sure is right for you? You can make changes to your health and prescription drug coverage during the Medicare Advantage open enrollment period, which started January 1 and runs through March 31, 2025.
As a reminder, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are offered by private companies. They can differ from original Medicare — and from each other — when it comes to key things like in-network coverage, out of pocket costs, and referral policies for specialists.
During Medicare Advantage open enrollment, you’re able to switch from your current MA plan to another MA plan. You can also drop your MA plan, return to original Medicare, and join a separate Medicare drug plan.
Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re reviewing and comparing your coverage options:
- Confirm what you’re really getting. If you’re thinking about switching to another MA plan, don’t just take an ad, agent, or broker’s word for it when it comes to the details. Call the plan directly, check its website, or call 1-800-MEDICARE: Will your primary doctor, or other doctors you see, be in-network? Will your costs (including copayments) change? Will your prescriptions be covered? Will you need prior authorizations to get the care you need?
- Keep records. If you talk to an agent or broker about a plan and what it covers, keep track of who you talked to, when you talked, and what they told you. Ask for a written description of the plan’s terms so you can review them later.
- Get help comparing Medicare costs, coverage, and plans. For local help, contact the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) in your U.S. state or territory. And, as always, find unbiased information about your coverage options at and 1-800-MEDICARE.
If you think you made the wrong plan choice because an agent, broker, or ad gave you misleading information, call 1-800-MEDICARE. Tell them what happened, and they’ll share what options you have. Then tell the FTC: