District Attorney

Office of the District Attorney
Protecting our community for 175 Years
Home / Victim-Witness  / National Crime Victims' Rights Week Contest

Kinship Connecting & Healing

The San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office is sponsoring an artwork contest for high school students. The contest provides an opportunity for students to learn about or deepen their understanding of the community impact on overcoming trauma. The contest also provides students a means of becoming a part of the conversation surrounding public awareness on the impact violent crime has on crime victim survivors in an artistic format.

Those who enter have the chance to have their artwork showcased and acknowledged by the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office at our Annual Victim’s Rights Week Luncheon held on April 10, 2025, and displayed in our office throughout the month of April.

The theme of this year’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is Connecting < KINSHIP > Healing and will go on from April 6-12, 2025. We hope that with this artwork contest, this will be an opportunity for students to create something impactful while honoring the resiliency of crime victims and all that goes into their healing with the help and support of community connections. We encourage students to create their artwork centered around this theme, and their vision of how these concepts help victims heal through trauma.


San Joaquin County Victim Witness Unit
& San Joaquin County Family Justice Center

NCVRW Teen Artwork Entry Form

The deadline for students to submit their artwork is Friday, April 4, 2025
Please submit artwork to

The winning prizes for the selected artwork are: 
1st Place Prize: $200
2nd Place Prize: $100

1st and 2nd place will also be showcased and introduced at our Victims’ Rights Luncheon to our honored guests and dignitaries. 

For any questions, please contact: Hope Dunsing at or Alexis Wilbur at